Orders And Payment

Order information, payment options and more about online orders.

Can I cancel my order?

If you have placed an order in error, we ask you to contact our customer service team. We will do our best to assist you any way we can. Please note! It’s important that you contact us as soon as possible. We always strive for quick deliveries, but this does mean that we may not have much time to cancel your order. We cannot make any changes (address, size, color) once your order has been placed.

If you are too late with cancelling your order, don't worry. You can always decline the parcel upon arrival or return it to us, free of charge.

Where can I find my order number?

You can always find your order number in the confirmation email and in every email, that’s related to your order. You can also check the order page of your account. It is formed of a prefix of 4 characters, then hyphen symbol and followed by 10 digits.

What payment methods can I use?
    When you shop with us online, you can use the following payment methods:
  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
  • Buy now pay later.
  • Cash on Delivery
What emails will I receive regarding my order:

After you’ve placed your order, we’ll send you a few emails to update you on its status. Sometimes these emails end up in your spam box, so make sure you add us to your spam exceptions or your email address book (you can check your email program to manage those incoming emails).

    Order and delivery emails:
  • An order confirmation email lets you know that we’ve received your order.
  • A shipping confirmation email lets you know we've processed your order.
Can I modify my order and/or shipping details?

Unfortunately, you can’t modify your order. We can try to cancel it for you. Contact us as soon as you can (within 15 min after placing the order would be perfect) so our customer service agent can take it from there.
And don’t worry, if the order can’t be cancelled you can always decline the parcel upon arrival or return it to us later, free of charge. Our return policy gives you all the details you might need.

Why is my order cancelled?
    We’ll always contact you to let you know why your order has been (partially) cancelled. Most of the time it’s one of these reasons:
  • Your items were out of stock at the time of shipping. If this is the case, we’ll take care of your refund straight away.
  • Something went wrong while verifying your billing and/or shipping details.
    Try to go back one step in the payment process on the website to check your details. If they’re correct it’s easiest to contact your bank to see if they can help you find out more. If the issue lies in the shipping, please check your address details, and make sure the address is based in the same country as the website you’ve ordered from.
  • There’s a duplicate order.
  • Please check the original order. It could very well be that it has been confirmed and/or shipped already.

If the issue remains unsolved contact us, so our customer service agent can take it from there.

Tabby – What is Tabby?

Tabby is the region's first and largest BNPL provider which offers flexible payments to shoppers by letting them split their purchase in 4.
Pay in 4 can be used with any debit and credit card from the GCC, including MADA cards.

Tabby – Where can I find Tabby’s Terms & conditions and privacy statement?

You can find Tabby terms and condition page here (https://tabby.ai/en-ae/toc)
You can find Tabby’s Privacy statement here (https://tabby.app/privacy)
You can also contact Tabby customer support team here (https://support.tabby.ai/l/en)

Tabby - How does Tabby Pay in 4 works?

Choose Tabby at checkout, where you can sign up by linking your ID and any card. You only need to pay 25% of the total amount upfront, and Tabby will send you reminders for the remaining payments. This service is entirely free and interest-free.

Checkout.com – What is Checkout.com?

Checkout.com is an online payment system that offers a secure and user-friendly interface for transactions.
It employs advanced security measures, including data encryption, 3D Secure authentication, and fraud detection.
The system also provides easy implementation, good reporting, and supports alternative payment options.

Checkout.com – Where can I find Checkout.com ’s Terms & conditions and privacy statement?
Checkout.com - How does Checkout.com work?

Checkout.com is an end-to-end Payment Services Provider that enables businesses to accept payments online and disburse funds through a range of payment methods and integration options. When a customer enters their payment information on the checkout page, the data is securely transmitted to the payment gateway, which verifies the customer’s identity, checks for sufficient funds, and authorizes the transaction. If the payment is approved, the funds are transferred to the merchant’s account.

What is Tamara?
Where can I find Tamara’s Terms & Conditions and Privacy Statement?
How does Tamara Pay in 4 Installments work?